White Buffalo Transformational Retreat

April 27 - May 4, 2025

There is a call for You to RiseUP to your Greatest, Happiest Self.

There has never been a more important time.

Invest in yourself and witness the ripple effect it creates in

Elevating all aspects of your sacred journey.

Amplify the radiance of your presence,

Release the trauma's and disempowerment of the past,

Step into your true alignment and inner innate wisdom,

Share your unique gifts that the world is waiting for.

Enjoyable, Painfree Healing & Growth

Imagine escaping to the serene landscapes of Santa Fe, New Mexico, from April 27 to May 4, 2025, for an eight-day transformational retreat that will change your life. Inspired by the legend of the White Buffalo Woman, this retreat offers you a unique opportunity to release limiting beliefs, connect deeply with the elements of life, and embrace your true self.

Picture yourself immersed in nature, feeling the gentle breeze, the warmth of the sun, and the grounding presence of the earth beneath your feet. Each day, you’ll engage in practices that help you reconnect with your inner wisdom and unlock your fullest potential. This isn’t just a getaway—it’s a profound, intimate experience designed to help you rediscover who you truly are.

You’ll be surrounded by like-minded individuals, all seeking personal growth and transformation. Together, you’ll explore new ways of thinking, feeling, and being. You’ll leave behind what no longer serves you and step into a new chapter of your life, filled with clarity, purpose, and profound personal growth.

This retreat is more than a vacation; it’s an invitation to transform your life deeply and meaningfully.

Join us and be part of this transformative journey.

It's TIME for the Power of 4









Where is the Retreat?

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Where are the Accommodations?

Hotel Santa Fe, Hacienda & Spa

Welcome to the White Buffalo Transformation Retreat, a unique opportunity to shed limiting beliefs and unlock your highest potential. Amidst the enchanting landscapes of Santa Fe, we gather to explore the wisdom of ancient traditions and apply them to our modern lives.

During this immersive experience, you'll encounter the teachings of visionary leaders from around the world, including indigenous elders, mystics, and philosophers. Their insights will guide us in navigating the complexities of personal growth and self-discovery.

Through a carefully curated program of workshops, meditations, and experiential activities, you'll develop practical tools for cultivating resilience, clarity, and purpose. Our expert facilitators will draw upon cutting-edge research in neuroscience, psychology, and quantum physics to help you understand the power of your thoughts and beliefs in shaping your reality.

Whether you're seeking to enhance your professional performance, deepen your relationships, or simply find greater fulfillment in life, this retreat offers a transformative journey tailored to your unique goals and aspirations.

From the moment you register until the closing ceremony on April 27, 2025, you'll be supported by a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, all committed to personal and collective growth. Together, we'll create a sacred space for healing, renewal, and the birthing of new possibilities.

Join us at the White Buffalo Transformation Retreat and embark on a life-changing adventure that will leave you inspired, empowered, and equipped to manifest your dreams.

Charel Morris

Stone Circle Productions

As a radiant visionary, transformational guide, and acclaimed author of several books, she dedicates her life to awakening infinite potential within spiritual seekers across the globe. Masterfully weaving the threads of ancient wisdom with modern self-discovery techniques, she orchestrates profound experiences that activate dormant gifts and inspire radical self-love and acceptance.

Her uniquely curated sacred immersions and writings create potent alchemical containers for individuals to shed limiting beliefs, reintegrate fragmented aspects, and align with the crystalline clarity of their soul's higher plan.

Under her expert guidance, participants quantum leap into their highest embodiment as conscious co-creators, unleashing their authentic radiant presence to elevate the world around them.

She guides clients to attune to their innate intuitive brilliance, amplifying their divine talents and gifts. Through her transformative books and teachings, countless seekers have embarked on the path of profound self-discovery and awakening.

Kathy Baldwin

Unlearn the Crap, Author & TV Host

As a luminary in personal transformation and women's empowerment, Kathy Baldwin brings over four decades of expertise in psychology, biology, quantum physics, and personal development.

Her journey began with a profound healing experience that revealed the limitations of traditional medicine, leading her to develop an innovative system focused on true transformation and personal alignment.

Kathy's unique approach masterfully blends scientific insights with spiritual wisdom, creating transformative experiences that help individuals release limiting beliefs and embrace their true potential.

Through her coaching programs, workshops, and writings, she guides clients to reconnect with their inner wisdom, unlock their innate gifts, and step into their highest selves.

Her work has empowered countless individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and profound personal growth, transforming their lives and the world around them.

Transform Your Life

Reasons You MUST Attend This Retreat

Release Disempowerment

Unveil your radiant truth, shed disempowering beliefs, align with your highest self.

Connection with the Four Elements of Life

Immerse in elemental flow, experience profound healing through sacred connection.

Embrace your Role as Conscious Co-Creator

Take inspired action, conscious co-creation, manifest your truth into your reality.

Inner Wisdom Activation
Awaken divine creative force, nurture sovereign wisdom of infinite presence.

Quantum Leaping into Your Highest Potential

Activate DNA codes, unlock dormant talents, quantum leap potential.

Community Connection

Build a soulful community, co-create a luminous web of radiant presence

Self Discovery

Self discovery journey, embody your infinite, limitless presence.

Self Love and Acceptance
Cultivate self-love, nurture joy, radiate authentic happiness daily.

Stress and Burnout Healing

Awaken self-regulation abilities, restore mind-body-spirit harmony.

Personal Alignment and Integrity

Reintegrate fragmented aspects, embody true unified radiant self.

Empowerment Strategies

Unveil empowering strategies, inspire courage, elevate all.

Ancient Healing
Sacred cleansing rituals, release toxins, embody highest frequencies.

Life Purpose and Clarity

Gain clarity on sacred life purpose, align with soul's plan.

Universal Limitless Possibilities
Explode limitations, open to infinite possibilities of the Cosmos.

Confidence Boost

Renewed confidence, unleash radiant presence, share unique gifts.

Enhanced Intuition
Attune intuition, discover creativity, embody divine inspiration and wisdom.


Tell me the Details NOW!

Launch - Limited Time Special Offers

All inclusive pricing is based on double occupancy for accommodations.

Invest in your personal growth journey with a one-time payment of $4444 USD. This option provides you with full access to all the transformative experiences and resources offered.

Payment Plans - LIMITED TIME!!!

We offer flexible payment plans to make your investment more manageable.

Choose the plan that best suits your needs:

6 Payments of $888 USD: Spread your investment over six months, with each payment due by the 1st of each month, completing by February 1st, 2025.

8 Payments of $777 USD: Opt for a more extended plan with eight monthly payments, also due by the 1st of each month, completing by February 1st, 2025.

Radiant Ambassador Circle: Amplify the Awakening

Join Our Affiliate Partner Program

We invite you to join our sacred Radiant Ambassador Circle, uniting as beacons spreading the light of profound transformation.

By sharing these sacred immersions, you open portals for others to unveil their infinite potential while receiving divine energetic exchange.

For every kindred spirit you guide to attend this odyssey of awakening, you shall receive a blessed 10% energetic return of their investment - a resounding $444 USD.

Consecrate just 10 of these radiant connections, and your own journey shall be divinely sponsored. Let us weave an ever-expanding web of luminous presence, amplifying the resonance of our radiant voices through sacred collaboration. As an Ambassador, you'll be embraced by the infinite flow of abundance while elevating consciousness across this world. Join our circle of light-weavers and bear the torch igniting awakenings. Share this transformative journey, and collectively, we shall all grow in radiance.

Welcome to the White Buffalo Transformational Retreat

A unique opportunity to shed limiting beliefs and unlock your highest potential.

Amidst the enchanting landscapes of Santa Fe, we gather to explore the wisdom of ancient traditions and apply them to our modern lives.

During this immersive experience, you'll encounter the teachings of visionary leaders from around the world, including indigenous elders, mystics, and philosophers. Their insights will guide us in navigating the complexities of personal growth and self-discovery.

Through a carefully curated program of workshops, meditations, and experiential activities, you'll develop practical tools for cultivating resilience, clarity, and purpose. Our expert facilitators will draw upon cutting-edge research in neuroscience, psychology, and quantum physics to help you understand the power of your thoughts and beliefs in shaping your reality.

Whether you're seeking to enhance your professional performance, deepen your relationships, or simply find greater fulfillment in life, this retreat offers a transformative journey tailored to your unique goals and aspirations.

From the moment you register until the closing ceremony on May 3, 2025, you'll be supported by a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, all committed to personal and collective growth.

Together, we'll create a sacred space for healing, renewal, and the birthing of new possibilities.

Join us at the White Buffalo Transformation Retreat and embark on a life-changing adventure that will leave you inspired, empowered, and equipped to manifest your dreams.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dates of the retreat?

The retreat will take place from Sunday, April 27 to Sunday, May 4, 2025, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

What is included in the retreat package?

The package includes accommodation, meals, all scheduled activities, workshops, and materials needed for the retreat. It does not include transportation to and from the retreat. Accommodation is based on double occupancy. Ask for a single room rate if you wish to be have a private room for yourself.

Who is the retreat best for?

The retreat is designed for individuals seeking personal growth, transformation, and a deeper connection with their true selves. It is for people who are ready to step into their own unique power, shedding disempowering societal beliefs and patterns that keep you stuck. It is for people who KNOW they have more to give and who want to leave their legacy as the best version of themselves. It is for those who are in a life change and are unsure of what is happening next, feeling confused and disconnected. It is for those who long for a life of meaning, purpose, passion, peace and prosperity.

What should I bring to the retreat?

We recommend bringing comfortable clothing, personal toiletries, and any personal items that help you feel grounded and connected. A full list will be included in the itinerary that will be provided to all attendees before the event.

How do I get to the retreat location?

Santa Fe, New Mexico, is accessible by air and car. Detailed travel instructions and suggested travel partners will be provided upon registration.

Are payment plans available?

Yes, we offer two payment plans: 6 payments of $888 USD or 8 payments of $777 USD, with the final payment due by February 1, 2025.

Can I attend the retreat if I have dietary restrictions?

Absolutely. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions upon registration, and we will accommodate your needs.

What is the daily schedule like?

Each day includes a mix of workshops, personal reflection time, group activities, and opportunities to connect with nature. A detailed schedule will be provided upon arrival.

What happens if I need to cancel? 

We understand that plans can change. We will make every attempt to accommodate reasonable refund requests before February 1, 2025.

How can I register for the retreat?

You can register by visiting our website and completing the registration form.

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